The TimeBlink series is meant for a mature audience. Please be advised that certain content may be triggering for some readers and includes the following:
Language – Some characters in the TimeBlink series freely swear and others are given to sacrilegious language. While the author avoids gratuitous or excessive use of profanity, she uses it as a device to shape authentic characters.
Sexual Content – The novels in this series would be rated M in the movie world for sexual content as they each contain one to two steamier sex scenes. One character participates in an extra-marital relationship.
Suicide – A character witnesses the moments leading up to a family member’s suicide—an event that is occasionally mentioned in the story thereafter. Another character loses a friend to suicide and expresses a fleeting wish to end her own life.
Violence – The bad guys in this series use tactics such as bullying, manipulation, sexual abuse, mental abuse, and death threats to get what they want. There is a small amount of graphic violence and “off-camera” murders. A past rape is referenced intermittently throughout the stories.
Child Abduction – There are numerous mentions of child abduction as it is one of the main plot points in the TimeBlink series.
Alcohol – Liquor is generally consumed in a responsible manner. There is one instance of a minor becoming intoxicated.