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A Mom, a Monkey, and an Airport Security Mishap
My last couple of posts have been a little, well, depressing. One was about an angry woman I encountered when I stopped to pick up ice cream and the other

A Heartbreaking Choice: Putting Our Dog to Sleep
Imagine it’s Saturday night. You’re watching TV with your partner, eating popcorn, enjoying a glass of wine. One dog is snuggled on the couch with you while the other is

How Stopping for Ice Cream Ruined My Day
This is a story about anger. So if you’re not in the mood to get slightly riled up, feel free to ignore it. But before I get into my observations

How to Tip Your Favorite Author (for free!)
There’s no denying it. Reviews help sell products. Think about it. You want to go on a trip, maybe to somewhere you’ve never visited before. Back when we took traveling

Reading Roundup 2020
Here it is, the last day of 2020, and I think it’s safe to say that most people are looking forward to a fresh start in 2021. But for now,

2020 – In Its Own Words
Are you ready to bid this crazy, twisted year farewell? Who isn’t? In a previous post, I mentioned that people have started using “2020” as a swear word, as in