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Reading Roundup 2022
It’s a miracle, folks. This post is proof that I’ve stuck with a personal goal for three years in a row! Oh, this isn’t a post about New Year’s Resolutions.

Confessions of a Time-Travel Thriller Author: I Hate Writing Blogs
It’s true. Blog writing is the bane of my existence (which is a terrible opening line if I want you to read this blog post). But damn, it feels great

Surviving Your First One-Star Review
TL;DR: Be thankful someone bought your book. Ignore the naysayers. Eat pizza. Have you ever been so embarrassed about something that you considered packing your bags and moving to a

When “Good Stress” Kicks Your Butt
At some point, we’ve all experienced it: Everything’s going along great. The bills are paid. Your senior dog made it to see another day. The cutlery came out of the

My Top 10 Mitch Albom Quotes About Love
If you enjoy reading mainstream literature, you will likely have heard of Mitch Albom, the internationally acclaimed author of Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, and

Reading Roundup 2021
Remember way back at the beginning of 2021 when the global health situation was in flux? Remember when we were being forced—yet again—to work from home, to cancel our travel